DC Wins PEOPLE'S CHOICE at the IIDA Ohio Kentucky Chapter Interior Design Awards!

We are excited to announce that our project in partnership with Pepper Construction Group won the PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD at the IIDA Ohio Kentucky Chapter Interior Design Awards!
An overwhelming THANK YOU goes out from our team to all who voted as over 700 total votes were cast!
This project at Pepper Construction Group of Ohio is the first to achieve WELL v2 SILVER CERTIFICATION in the state of Ohio! Through International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) certification, they have confirmed their commitment to HEALTH | SAFETY | DIVERSITY | EQUITY & INCLUSION.
The WELL Building Standard encompasses ten concepts: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Movement, Thermal Comfort, Sound, Materials, Mind and Community, which in turn consist of 108 features with distinct health intents. Projects are evaluated through documentation and site verification on what features are met, and can be awarded Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum WELL certification. Under WELL v2, project types are categorized under Owneroccupied, where the project is mainly occupied by the
project owner, or WELL Core, where the project owner occupies a small portion of the project area and rents/leases most of the space to one or more tenants.
Does this sound like a good fit for your business? If so, there is a 5-step process to certification. A WELL Accredited Professional is someone who is knowledgeable of the conceptual and applied frameworks of WELL and are experienced in its application. WELL AP’s can help guide projects to successful certification awards. WELL Certification and the WELL AP credentialing program are third-party administered through IWBI’s collaboration with Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), which also administers LEED certification.
In response to the pandemic, the International WELL Building Institute developed the WELL Health-Safety Rating for buildings which focuses on operational policies, maintenance protocols, emergency plans and stakeholder education to address a post-COVID-19 environment now and broader health and safety-related issues into the future. The WELL Health-Safety seal signifies a commitment to supporting the
health of individuals within that space.
In addition, to address the pandemic, the IWBI is now offering free access to its COVID-19 Training for Professionals, which provides evidence-based strategies and expert recommendations to promote health and safety as businesses look to get back to the workplace. Currently, there are 4,921 projects encompassing over 698 million square feet across 65 countries that are applying WELL. Pepper Construction of Ohio is one of those projects and is located in Dublin, Ohio. When they relocated their
offices to a newly constructed industrial building, they saw an opportunity to embrace the ideals of WELL and decided to pursue certification. Having a WELL AP on the design team enabled assurance that the project would incorporate elements to meet the required preconditions and as many of the optimizations to achieve the highest rating. Research shows that when organizations support the health of their most valuable assets — people, they often experience lower turnover and burnout, as well as, greater productivity and engagement driving improvements for their bottom line.
For more information on the WELL Building Standard, contact a WELL Accredited Professional, or see their website at: WWW.WELLCERTIFIED.COM